Saturday, March 3, 2007

Blue Collar Broads

I saw my first roller derby game tonight! It was wild and great fun. The Blue Collar Broads beat the Roustabouts. All are incredible skaters. Wild costumes. Interesting crowd of people--everything from punk dyed hair and piercings to families with kids. Enormous potential for a story. I'm already rethinking my plot...

Went to a Thai restaurant with our friends afterwards, and they were all weighing in on my potential plot. Some good ideas there...

I think it's going to be fun. Of course no writing got done today. But I have soaked up lots of wonderful impressions...


Unknown said...

That is important too. You need to feed the muse :-)

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Greetings from a fellow novel racer. That sounds like a great night out, I'm envious! How wonderful to be able to combine fun with research. And I agree with Liz, too. Get those impressions written down, it's amazing how fast they can fade.